🎯 So many citizens have suffered physical and emotional trauma from police brutality, directly or indirectly. Some have died.
🎯 The #ENDSARS protests has further exposed young people as well as other citizens to great risk of emotional trauma.
🎯 Others have been indirectly traumatized from watching videos and seeing pictures.
🎯 The Asido Foundation cares about your emotional well-being.
🎯 If you or anyone you know is suffering from emotional distress as a result of police brutality, or the gory videos and images, please reach out to us via 0902 8080 416.

Dr. Adeyemo Olusola is a medical graduate of Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State, Nigeria along with certificate in advanced diploma in Principles of Nutrition, Management and Leadership, Dublin and Certificate in Global Health from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. In addition to his numerous certifications, he is a certified Telemedicine Physician from Harvard Medical School, USA. He is an avid reader of books from different oases of life, expert in data analysis. “So many a time, I have seen people die avoidable death because of lack of knowledge or information, falling victim of fate. There is then a necessity laid on us to help arm our society to the teeth, as a healthy society cannot be detached from an informed one. Hence, there is need for healthgist.net. We hope you will have a wonderful stay on our website.”