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CORONA WAR -What Can You Do…? by Chief (Dr.) Anil Grover

Dear Friends,

1. Let’s understand that corona virus 🦠 is harsh & invisible reality of our modern life.

2. On a positive note, having COVID infection is not a death sentence, as proven by thousands of treated and well recovered patients with build-up of antibodies in their plasma.

3. End of lock down does not mean, end of Corona spread.

4. In near future, some of our friends or family members might get this virus 🦠 unknowingly and be an asymptomatic carrier. Best way is to come up and get tested so stop the spread!

5. For confirm & positive COVID patient, treatment in an IDH or isolation centre is the best solution available for now!

6. Private hospitals should start a preliminary triage to identify a suspected case and robust referral mechanism in collaboration with NCDC and MOH.

7. Healthcare workers and medical professionals are the real superhero or warriors in this battle and they must be protected at all times with enough PPE, gloves and masks! Big corporates should do CSR and donate these items to us to win this war.

8. Pool testing, massive screening and isolation is the need of the hour to stem this spread and save more lives!

9. The well treated COVID cases and recovered patients should come forward for plasma donations, which is immune with enough antibodies, for the benefit of sick people suffering with the corona virus 🦠.

10. Finally, once again a strong message should go out from political and business leaders not to fire fake rumors and do not stigmatize the man or woman who has already suffered with such a dreadful disease.

Moreover, doctors and nurses need your moral support and encouragement in these testing times. They cannot tolerate any stigma while fighting this COVID war.

Stay Safe

Stay Isolated

Stay Healthy

Stay Blessed.

God Bless U

God Bless Nigeria 🇳🇬

With Warm Regards and Best wishes from –

Rotarian Chief Grover