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Dr. Papaz
Dr Sotannde Salmon Olamide a.k.a Dr Papaz, is a man who is born to flex and extend.
He is a medical doctor by profession, fitness enthusiast, business oriented and a fashionista.
He bagged his medical degree at the prestigious Olabisi Onabanjo Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye (Mb.ChB Ogun).

Dr Papaz of @papazfitness is a fitness influencer, a Certified Personal Trainer (certified by the International Sports Science Association), a certified obesity and weight loss specialist and a Nutritionist who offers online services revolving around fitness/wellness ranging from a fitness training session, an effective weight loss to obesity care.

He has a positive impact on those around him and approaches each task with enthusiasm and unparalleled dedication. He is highly motivated and driven towards achieving set goals and objectives.
He is also the C.E.O @papazstylez, an online business involving in the sale of suits and it’s accessories.

Dr Sotannde Salmon (Papaz)

Medical doctor

Certified Personal Trainer (ISSA)
Certified Nutritionist (ISSA)
Certified Fitness Trainer (EREPS, IREP)

Certified obesity & weight management exercise specialist (IOETI).
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