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BREAST CANCER: All You Need to Know

In 2010, approximately 2 million new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed worldwide. In developing country, it accounts for 1-3 percent of deaths, that is, 3 out of 100 recorded death is because of breast cancer.

One out of 8 women is expected to develop breast cancer sometimes in her life. It is the most common cancer in women.

Risk Factor for Developing Breast Cancer

  1. Gender:- commoner in female. Less than 0.5% of patient breast cancer are males. This means a MAN can also have breast cancer.
  2. Positive family history of breast cancer
  3. Commoner in nulliparous (a woman who has never carried pregnancy to age of viability).
  4. Obesity
  5. Contraceptive pill
  6. Late first pregnancy > 30years
  7. Late menopause
  8. Previous breast cancer in one side.
  9. Tobacco smoke.


  1. Accidental painless lump: Most breast cancer will present as a hard lump, which may be associated within drawing of the nipple.
  2. Nipple retraction
  3. Bloody nipple discharge
  4. Axillary lump (lump in the armpit)


This includes difficulty in breathing, pleuritic pain, jaundice, asymmetry, enlargement, skin dimpling, Peau d’ Orange, skin ulceration and nipple retraction etc.


Your doctor may request that you do the following investigations:

  1. Mammography:This is 95% accurate.
  2. Fine needle aspiration
  3. Breast ultrasound scan


Treatment of early breast cancer will usually involve surgery with or without radiation. EARLY DETECTION reduces mortality and make surgery to be more conservative. For early detection, ensure the following:

1.         Regular Breast Self-Examination. You can use any of the illustrated method to examine your breast MONTHLY. These will help you to detect any abnormality in the breast tissue early.

The video below is age-restricted. It is solely for academic purpose.

Detailed Illustrative video on Breast Self-Examination from Breast Cancer Ireland.


Illustrative diagram on Breast Self-Examination

2.        Regularly go for screening program with your doctor. This screening will include clinical examination and mammogram. Women ages 45-65 should have a mammogram each year and those 55years and over should continue getting mammograms every 1-2 years.


Go to google playstore and download the app call: BREAST CANCER IRELAND. This app will always remind you to do breast self-examination for yourself.

This is the logo of the app on google playstore