The anus is the end part of the digestive system by which fecal matter is passed to the exterior. Imperforate anus is a congenital (babies are born with it) defect where the hole that leads to the anus is absent.
These babies present with;
- Non passage of meconium, i.e. the greenish stool passed after birth.
- Abdominal distension
- Late vomiting and failure to thrive.
- These babies may have other congenital abnormalities such as backbone problems, heart defects and kidney abnormalities.
This is usually clinical, and usually diagnosed by the medical team at delivery, however it may go unnoticed in many cases.
This is achieved surgically, and it depends on the time of presentation, type of defect and condition of the patient.
- The major surgery is a Primary Anorectoplasty, where the anus is made patent (opened) surgically.
- A colostomy can also be done, in which an opening is created through the abdominal wall into the bowel to allow for the evacuation of fecal product through the abdominal wall.
A non-patent anus is one of the most common congenital abnormalities in the newborn, it is treated surgically and overall it has a good prognosis especially when it occurs as an isolated defect.

Dr Odusanya Bilikisu Oluwaseun, is a medical doctor and a graduate of Olabisi Onabanjo university, Ogun state, Nigeria.
She is a poet, reader and researcher, with keen interest in Global health, and management with emphasis on how these affects maternal and child health.
She has a good qualitative and quantitative data analysis skills. A high standing academic track record, and communicates fluently in English, Yoruba, and Hausa.