Bringing healthcare closer.
According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Being in a perpetual state of health according to the definition succinctly suggests that there is no single trace of hitch in the body at any point in time.
Disappointingly, such a hundred-percent experience of healthy living over the years has been a mirage. In a family, hardly will you find at least a member exhibiting a fullstack healthy trait, be it from the angle of organ dysfunction or emotional imbalance.
In a bid to mitigate the effects of this cancerworm that has eaten deep into our society, the Health Gist Team hereby inform the members of the public about the healthcare services we run at homes. In other words, the healthcare services being rendered at homes is injected into our programs to further advance the course of a healthy living, as this goes in accordance with our mission.
This is a health team where barriers ranging from distance, age, sex, tribe to skin colour is relegated to the background. We do not subscribe to any ideology that in any way gives prominence to a section of the society at the expense of others. As our profession demands, the life of every patient is esteemed at a premium.
Without any iota of doubt, HEALTHGIST.NET remains your very best companion for your medical homecare services for both young and old.
To request for a medical home care service, please fill in the following details and we will reach you within 24hours.