Mental health is a crucial aspect of every individual’s life, and this includes children. Mental health in childhood involves understanding that social, genetic, and environmental factors determine the way a
child reacts to situations and acts. It is important to note that no single factor contributes to mental health alone. An interaction between the factors that make up an individual’s experiences influences mental health in childhood. Central to this is the relationship among the family members. The family is the first point of learning for every child, and it plays a crucial role in growth and development. Having a dysfunctional family adversely affects the child’s mental health. The factors contributing to the development of mental health disorders in childhood include:
▪ Genetics: A family history of mental health problems in childhood in siblings or parents increases the chance of another child in the family experiencing such because they could be inherited.
▪ Low socioeconomic class
▪ Period of separation from parents or caregivers.
▪ Trauma: This includes the loss of a family member, child abuse and parental neglect.
▪ Domestic violence
▪ Migration: The effect of moving away from a location a child is familiar with is often overlooked.
It is often assumed that children find it easy to move to new places because they are young and will have new experiences. However, the mental impact of relocation on a child could be distressing, aggravated by harsh environmental factors, having to join a new school where they could be exposed to bullying by peers or isolation, and sometimes neglect from parents because they are trying to get their footing in the new environment.
▪ Poor physical health
▪ Bullying
The knowledge of mental health is necessary because mental health issues can occur in children, which interferes with the way they interact with their environment. The symptoms of mental health disorders in childhood could be;
▪ Excessive playfulness
▪ Lack of attention
▪ Restlessness
▪ Persistent sadness
▪ Irritability
▪ Aggressiveness
▪ Isolation from peers
▪ Poor performance in school, b
▪ Bullying
▪ Engaging in risky behaviours, which include self-harm or attempting suicide.
▪ Changes in sleep pattern
▪ Mood changes
It takes an observant and informed guardian or teacher to note these behaviours are deviations
from the norms.